Schedule of Events
Welcome!! Please see the dates for the up coming events
Scheduled Classes
During the upcoming autumn of 2023, we have scheduled a pilot initiative involving 10 military spouses and 10 veterans. These selected participants had the opportunity to complete the entire course and offer invaluable feedback. Thanks to the generous backing of various corporate and philanthropic sponsors, we are delighted to announce that this program will be provided 100% FREE OF CHARGE TO ALL Active military and Veterans and 75% off to Spouses & Direct Family of Military Members. Those who join the membership will get 100% OFF.
Disclosure Statement
The Student should be aware that some information in the catalog may change. It is recommended that students considering enrollment check with the school director to determine if there is any change from the information provided in the catalog. In addition, a catalog will contain information on the school’s teaching personnel and courses/curricula offered. Please be advised that the state education department separately licenses all teaching personnel and independently approves all courses and curricula offered. Therefore, it is possible that courses/curricula list it the school ‘s catalog may not be approved at the time that are Student and, in the school, or the list and may have changed. It is again recommended that Student check with the school director to determine if there are any changes in the courses/curricula offered or the teaching personnel listed in the catalog.